home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* System-dependent definitions of various files, spool directories, etc */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "dirutil.h"
- #ifdef MSDOS
- char *Startup = "/autoexec.net"; /* Initialization file */
- char *Userfile = "/ftpusers"; /* Authorized FTP users and passwords */
- char *Maillog = "/spool/mail.log"; /* mail log */
- char *Mailspool = "/spool/mail"; /* Incoming mail */
- char *Mailqdir = "/spool/mqueue"; /* Outgoing mail spool */
- char *Mailqueue = "/spool/mqueue/*.wrk"; /* Outgoing mail work files */
- char *Routeqdir = "/spool/rqueue"; /* queue for router */
- char *Alias = "/alias"; /* the alias file */
- char *Dfile = "/domain.txt"; /* Domain cache */
- char *Fdir = "/finger"; /* Finger info directory */
- char *Arealist = "/spool/areas";/* List of message areas */
- char *Helpdir = "/spool/help"; /* Mailbox help file directory */
- char *Rewritefile = "/spool/rewrite"; /* Address rewrite file */
- char *Newsdir = "/spool/news"; /* News messages and NNTP data */
- char *Popusers = "/popusers"; /* POP user and passwd file */
- char *Signature = "/spool/signatur"; /* Mail signature file directory */
- char *Forwardfile = "/spool/forward.bbs"; /* Mail forwarding file */
- char *Historyfile = "/spool/history"; /* Message ID history file */
- char *Tmpdir = "/tmp";
- char Eol[] = "\r\n";
- #define SEPARATOR "/"
- #endif
- #ifdef UNIX
- char *Startup = "./startup.net"; /* Initialization file */
- char *Config = "./config.net"; /* Device configuration list */
- char *Userfile = "./ftpusers";
- char *Mailspool = "./mail";
- char *Maillog = "./mail.log"; /* mail log */
- char *Mailqdir = "./mqueue";
- char *Mailqueue = "./mqueue/*.wrk";
- char *Routeqdir = "./rqueue"; /* queue for router */
- char *Alias = "./alias"; /* the alias file */
- char *Dfile = "./domain.txt"; /* Domain cache */
- char *Fdir = "./finger"; /* Finger info directory */
- char *Arealist = "./areas"; /* List of message areas */
- char *Helpdir = "./help"; /* Mailbox help file directory */
- char *Rewritefile = "./rewrite"; /* Address rewrite file */
- char *Newsdir = "./news"; /* News messages and NNTP data */
- char *Popusers = "./popusers"; /* POP user and passwd file */
- char *Signature = "./signatur"; /* Mail signature file directory */
- char *Forwardfile = "./forward.bbs"; /* Mail forwarding file */
- char *Historyfile = "./history"; /* Message ID history file */
- char *Tmpdir = "/tmp";
- #define SEPARATOR "/"
- char Eol[] = "\n";
- #endif
- #ifdef AMIGA
- char *Startup = "TCPIP:net-startup";
- char *Config = "TCPIP:config.net"; /* Device configuration list */
- char *Userfile = "TCPIP:ftpusers";
- char *Mailspool = "TCPIP:spool/mail";
- char *Maillog = "TCPIP:spool/mail.log";
- char *Mailqdir = "TCPIP:spool/mqueue";
- char *Mailqueue = "TCPIP:spool/mqueue/*.wrk";
- char *Routeqdir = "TCPIP:spool/rqueue"; /* queue for router */
- char *Alias = "TCPIP:alias"; /* the alias file */
- char *Dfile = "TCPIP:domain.txt"; /* Domain cache */
- char *Fdir = "TCPIP:finger"; /* Finger info directory */
- char *Arealist = "TCPIP:spool/areas"; /* List of message areas */
- char *Helpdir = "TCPIP:spool/help"; /* Mailbox help file directory */
- char *Rewritefile = "TCPIP:spool/rewrite"; /* Address rewrite file */
- char *Newsdir = "TCPIP:spool/news"; /* News messages and NNTP data */
- char *Popusers = "TCPIP:/popusers"; /* POP user and passwd file */
- char *Signature = "TCPIP:spool/signatur"; /* Mail signature file directory */
- char *Forwardfile = "TCPIP:spool/forward.bbs"; /* Mail forwarding file */
- char *Historyfile = "TCPIP:spool/history"; /* Message ID history file */
- char *Tmpdir = "TCPIP:tmp";
- #define SEPARATOR "/"
- char Eol[] = "\n";
- #endif
- #ifdef MAC
- char *Startup ="Mikes Hard Disk:net.start";
- char *Config = "Mikes Hard Disk:config.net"; /* Device configuration list */
- char *Userfile = "Mikes Hard Disk:ftpusers";
- char *Mailspool = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool:mail:";
- char *Maillog = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool:mail.log:";
- char *Mailqdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool:mqueue:";
- char *Mailqueue = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool:mqueue:*.wrk";
- char *Routeqdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/rqueue:"; /* queue for router */
- char *Alias = "Mikes Hard Disk:alias"; /* the alias file */
- char *Dfile = "Mikes Hard Disk:domain:txt"; /* Domain cache */
- char *Fdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:finger"; /* Finger info directory */
- char *Arealist = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/areas"; /* List of message areas */
- char *Helpdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/help"; /* Mailbox help file directory */
- char *Rewritefile = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/rewrite"; /* Address rewrite file */
- char *Newsdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/news"; /* News messages and NNTP data */
- char *Popusers = "Mikes Hard Disk:/popusers"; /* POP user and passwd file */
- char *Signature = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/signatur"; /* Mail signature file directory */
- char *Forwardfile = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/forward.bbs"; /* Mail forwarding file */
- char *Historyfile = "Mikes Hard Disk:spool/history"; /* Message ID history file */
- char *Tmpdir = "Mikes Hard Disk:tmp";
- #define SEPARATOR "/"
- char Eol[] = "\r";
- #endif
- static char *rootdir = "";
- /* Establish a root directory other than the default. Can only be called
- * once, at startup time
- */
- void
- initroot(root)
- char *root;
- {
- rootdir = strdup( root );
- Startup = rootdircat(Startup);
- Userfile = rootdircat(Userfile);
- Maillog = rootdircat(Maillog);
- Mailspool = rootdircat(Mailspool);
- Mailqdir = rootdircat(Mailqdir);
- Mailqueue = rootdircat(Mailqueue);
- Routeqdir = rootdircat(Routeqdir);
- Alias = rootdircat(Alias);
- Dfile = rootdircat(Dfile);
- Fdir = rootdircat(Fdir);
- Arealist = rootdircat(Arealist);
- Helpdir = rootdircat(Helpdir);
- Rewritefile = rootdircat(Rewritefile);
- Newsdir = rootdircat(Newsdir);
- Signature = rootdircat(Signature);
- Forwardfile = rootdircat(Forwardfile);
- Historyfile = rootdircat(Historyfile);
- }
- /* Concatenate root, separator and arg strings into a malloc'ed output
- * buffer, then remove repeated occurrences of the separator char
- */
- char *
- rootdircat(filename)
- char *filename;
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- char *out = filename;
- if ( strlen(rootdir) > 0 ) {
- char *separator = SEPARATOR;
- out = mallocw( strlen(rootdir)
- + strlen(separator)
- + strlen(filename) + 1);
- strcpy(out,rootdir);
- strcat(out,separator);
- strcat(out,filename);
- if(*separator != '\0'){
- char *p1, *p2;
- /* Remove any repeated occurrences */
- p1 = p2 = out;
- while(*p2 != '\0'){
- *p1++ = *p2++;
- while(p2[0] == p2[-1] && p2[0] == *separator)
- p2++;
- }
- *p1 = '\0';
- }
- }
- return out;
- #else
- #ifdef AMIGA
- /* Assumes default filenames are absolute.
- * Remove the device/assign name.
- */
- filename = strchr(filename,':');
- #endif
- return pathname(rootdir,filename);
- #endif
- }
- /* Read through FTPUSERS looking for user record
- * Returns line which matches username, or NULLCHAR when no match.
- * Each of the other variables must be copied before freeing the line.
- */
- char *
- userlookup(username,password,directory,permission,ip_address)
- char *username;
- char **password;
- char **directory;
- int *permission;
- int32 *ip_address;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- char *buf;
- char *cp;
- if((fp = fopen(Userfile,READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
- /* Userfile doesn't exist */
- return NULLCHAR;
- buf = mallocw(128);
- while ( fgets(buf,128,fp) != NULLCHAR ){
- if(*buf == '#')
- continue; /* Comment */
- if((cp = strchr(buf,' ')) == NULLCHAR)
- /* Bogus entry */
- continue;
- *cp++ = '\0'; /* Now points to password */
- if( stricmp(username,buf) == 0 )
- break; /* Found user */
- }
- if(feof(fp)){
- /* username not found in file */
- fclose(fp);
- free(buf);
- return NULLCHAR;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if ( password != NULL )
- *password = cp;
- /* Look for space after password field in file */
- if((cp = strchr(cp,' ')) == NULLCHAR) {
- /* Invalid file entry */
- free(buf);
- return NULLCHAR;
- }
- *cp++ = '\0'; /* Now points to directory field */
- if ( directory != NULL )
- *directory = cp;
- if((cp = strchr(cp,' ')) == NULLCHAR) {
- /* Permission field missing */
- free(buf);
- return NULLCHAR;
- }
- *cp++ = '\0'; /* now points to permission field */
- if ( permission != NULL )
- *permission = (int)strtol( cp, NULLCHARP, 0 );
- if((cp = strchr(cp,' ')) == NULLCHAR) {
- /* IP address missing */
- if ( ip_address != NULL )
- *ip_address = 0L;
- } else {
- *cp++ = '\0'; /* now points at IP address field */
- if ( ip_address != NULL )
- *ip_address = resolve( cp );
- }
- return buf;
- }
- /* Subroutine for logging in the user whose name is name and password is pass.
- * The buffer path should be long enough to keep a line from the userfile.
- * If pwdignore is true, the password check will be overridden.
- * The return value is the permissions field or -1 if the login failed.
- * Path is set to point at the path field, and pwdignore will be true if no
- * particular password was needed for this user.
- */
- int
- userlogin(name,pass,path,len,pwdignore)
- char *name;
- char *pass;
- char **path;
- int len; /* Length of buffer pointed at by *path */
- int *pwdignore;
- {
- char *buf;
- char *password;
- char *directory;
- int permission;
- int anonymous;
- char *cp;
- if ( (buf = userlookup( name, &password, &directory,
- &permission, NULL )) == NULLCHAR ) {
- return -1;
- }
- anonymous = *pwdignore;
- if ( strcmp(password,"*") == 0 )
- anonymous = TRUE; /* User ID is password-free */
- if(!anonymous && strcmp(password,pass) != 0) {
- /* Password required, but wrong one given */
- free(buf);
- return -1;
- }
- if ( strlen( directory ) + 1 > len ) {
- /* not enough room for path */
- free(buf);
- return -1;
- }
- #if defined(AMIGA)
- /*
- * Well, on the Amiga, a file can be referenced by many names:
- * device names (DF0:) or volume names (My_Disk:). This hunk of code
- * passed the pathname specified in the ftpusers file, and gets the
- * absolute path copied into the user's buffer. We really should just
- * allocate the buffer and return a pointer to it, since the caller
- * really doesn't have a good idea how long the path string is..
- */
- /* Hack to allow all devices by specifying '*' */
- if ( directory[0] == '*' ) {
- **path = '\0';
- } else if ( (directory = pathname("", directory)) != NULLCHAR ) {
- strcpy(*path, directory);
- free(directory);
- } else {
- **path = '\0';
- }
- #else
- strcpy(*path,directory);
- /* Convert any backslashes to forward slashes, for backward
- * compatibility with the old NET
- */
- while((cp = strchr(*path,'\\')) != NULLCHAR)
- *cp = '/';
- #endif
- free(buf);
- *pwdignore = anonymous;
- /* Finally return the permission bits */
- return permission;
- }